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The hinged-door composite septal flap as structural support and lining of nasal reconstruction by a forehead flap

Volume: 39 - Issue: 1

First page: 5 - Last page: 8

G.J. Westerveld - R.J. Middelweerd - C.R. Leemans

DOI: 10.4193/Rhin

In this paper we describe four patients who underwent extensive nasal surgery for carcinoma in the nasal vestibule. Two patients underwent salvage surgery after radiotherapy, whereas the other two patients were treated with primary surgery. In all cases the nasal defect was reconstructed using a composite hinged-door septal flap for structural support and internal lining combined with a paramedian forehead flap which supplied the skin coverage. All patients had a pleasing aesthetic and good functional result. The combination of a paramedian forehead flap with a composite hinged-door septal flap is an excellent reconstruction procedure for defects of the lateral nasal wall and alar region.

Rhinology 39-1: 5-8, 2001

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