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Hydration alters viscosity of nasal secretions in postnasal drip

Volume: 0 - Issue: 0

First page: 0 - Last page: 0

S. Bucher - T.M.L. Friederici - Y. Stanossek - M.B. Soyka

DOI: 10.4193/Rhin24.459

In our recent study, increased viscosity, delayed mucociliary clearance as well as hyposensitivity/dysesthesia of the nasopharynx seemed to play a relevant role in the pathophysiology of postnasal drip (PND). Earlier concepts of PND, regarding an increased volume of secretions and atopy, do not seem to hold true since our latest analyses showed no significant difference between cases and controls. However, to this day its therapy is debated and the evidence for an effective treatment of PND is lacking so far. The fundamental rheological properties of nasal mucus constitute of the viscosity and elasticity.

Rhinology 0-0: 0-0, 0000

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