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The value of beta trace protein in CSF-leakage detection confirmed by endoscopic fluorescein evaluation

Volume: 62 - Issue: 6

First page: 766 - Last page: 768

M. Habenbacher - D. Sebastnik - U. Moser - A. Andrianakis - P. Kiss - M. Alsukayt - J. Pock - K. Walla - E. Maitz - P.V. Tomazic

DOI: 10.4193/Rhin24.160

Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leaks originating from defects within the anterior and middle cranial fossa typically manifest as unilateral clear watery rhinorrhea. Continuous CSF leakage mandates surgical repair due to the risk of meningitis and brain abscess. It can be categorized based on its underlying etiology into traumatic, iatrogenic and non-traumatic CSF leaks.

Rhinology 62-6: 766-768, 2024

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