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Executive summary of EPOS 2020 including integrated care pathways

Volume: 58 - Issue: 2

First page: 82 - Last page: 111

W.J. Fokkens - V.J. Lund - C. Hopkins - P.W. Hellings - R. Kern - S. Reitzma - S. Toppila-Salmi - M. Bernal-Sprekelsen - J. Mullol

DOI: 10.4193/Rhin

The European Position Paper on Rhinosinusitis and Nasal Polyps 2020 is the update of similar evidence based position papers published in 2005 and 2007 and 2012(1-3). The core objective of the EPOS2020 guideline is to provide revised, up-to-date and clear evidence-based recommendations and integrated care pathways in ARS and CRS. EPOS2020 provides an update on the literature published and studies undertaken in the eight years since the EPOS2012 position paper was published and addresses areas not extensively covered in EPOS2012 such as paediatric CRS and sinus surgery. EPOS2020 also involves new stakeholders, including pharmacists and patients, and addresses new target users who have become more involved in the management and treatment of rhinosinusitis since the publication of the last EPOS document, including pharmacists, nurses, specialised care givers and indeed patients themselves, who employ increasing self-management of their condition using over the counter treatments. The document provides suggestions for future research in this area and offers updated guidance for definitions and outcome measurements in research in different settings.

Rhinology 58-2: 82-111, 0000

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