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EPOS2020: development strategy and goals for the latest European Position Paper on Rhinosinusitis

Volume: 57 - Issue: 3

First page: 162 - Last page: 168

W. Fokkens - M. Desrosiers - R. Harvey - C. Hopkins - J. Mullol - C. Philpott - I. Alobid - W.T. Anselmo-Lima - C. Bachert - F. Baroody - M. Bernal-Sprekelsen - C. von Buchwald - A. Cervin - N. Cohen - J. Constantinidis - L. De Gabory - R. Douglas - P. Gevaert - A. Hafner - P. Hellings - G. Joos - L. Kalogjera - R. Kern - A. Knill - J. Kocks - B.N. Landis - J. Limpens - S. Lebeer - O. Lourenco - P.M. Matricardi - C. Meco - L. O Mahony - S. Reitsma - D. Ryan - R. Schlosser - B. Senior - T. Smith - T. Teeling - P.V. Tomazic - S. Toppila-Salmi - D.Y. Wang - D. Wang - L. Zhang - V. Lund

DOI: 10.4193/Rhin17.253

BACKGROUND: The European Position Papers on Rhinosinusitis from 2005, 2007 and 2012 have had a measurable impact on the way this common condition with high impact on quality of life is managed around the world. EPOS2020 will be the latest iteration of the guideline, addressing new stakeholders and target users, presenting a summary of the latest literature and evolving treatment modalities, and formulating clear recommendations based on all available evidence.
METHODOLOGY: Based on the AGREE II framework, this article demonstrates how the EPOS2020 steering group will address six key areas to ensure consistency in quality and presentation of information in the latest rhinosinusitis clinical practice guideline: scope and purpose; stakeholder involvement; rigour of development; clarity of presentation; recommendations and applicability; editorial independence.
RESULTS: By analysing the guidance from AGREE II, we formulated a detailed development strategy for EPOS2020. We identify new stakeholders and target users and ratify the importance of patient involvement in the latest EPOS guideline. New and expanded areas of research to be addressed are highlighted. We confirm our intention to use mixed methodologies, combining evidence-based medicine with real life studies; when no evidence can be found, use Delphi rounds to achieve clear, inclusive recommendations. We also introduce new concepts for dissemination of the guideline, using Internet and social media to improve accessibility.
CONCLUSION: This article is an introduction to the EPOS2020 project, and presents the key goals, core stakeholders, planned methodology and dissemination strategies for the latest version of this influential guideline.

Rhinology 57-3: 162-168, 2019

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